Definition of Gear lever

1. Noun. A mechanical device for engaging and disengaging gears. "In Britain they call a gearshift a gear lever"

Exact synonyms: Gearshift, Gearstick, Shifter
Generic synonyms: Mechanical Device
Group relationships: Automotive Vehicle, Motor Vehicle
Derivative terms: Shift

Definition of Gear lever

1. Noun. (British) The lever used to change gears in a motor car. Called gear shift in the US and Canada. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Gear Lever

gear case
gear change
gear down
gear head
gear heads
gear lever
gear levers
gear mechanism
gear ratio
gear ratios
gear shift
gear shifts
gear stick
gear sticks
gear train
gear trains
gear up
gear wheel
gear wheels

Literary usage of Gear lever

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Dyke's Automobile and Gasoline Engine Encyclopedia by Andrew Lee Dyke (1920)
"Third speed or high gear: In going from second to third speed, release the clutch as previously explained, and push the gear lever straight forward (or ..."

2. Self-propelled Vehicles: A Practical Treatise on the Theory, Construction by James Edward Homans (1910)
"1st and 2nd speeds and reverse are obtained by moving k12: 1st speed, gear lever is shifted as far forward as it will go In outer slot (without pressing ..."

3. The Gasoline Automobile: Its Design and Construction by Peter Martin Heldt (1917)
"315—SAE gear lever was that it is desirable to have the gear lever in the high speed position far removed from the brake lever in the off position, ..."

4. The Gasoline Automobile: Its Design and Construction by Peter Martin Heldt (1918)
"SAE gear lever was tnat it js desirable to have POSITIONS. the gear lever in the high speed one point that was kept in mind position far removed from the ..."

5. Practical Treatise on Milling and Milling Machines by Brown & Sharpe Manufacturing Co (1914)
"Spindle drive tumbler gear lever. 16. Knob for sliding the tumbler gear. 17. Quill gear lever. 18. Back gear lever. 19. Index plate of spindle speeds. 20. ..."

6. Automobile Driving Self-taught: An Exhaustive Treatise on the Operation by Thomas Herbert Russell (1909)
"Now press the pedal clutch right down to withdraw the clutch, and take the driving force off the car. With clutch so held out, move your gear lever forward ..."

7. The Horseless Age (1903)
"It will be remembered that in the 1902 Mercedes the change gear lever worked in the slots of an H-shaped grid, and that the lever at its lower end carried a ..."

8. Automobile Troubles and how to Remedy Them: A Practical Book for the by Charles P. Root (1911)
"gear lever quadrant bent so as to jam or bind gear lever. The teeth of tlie gear pinions should show a brightly burnished surface on the faces, ..."

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